Student life can be tough. You’ve not only got to worry about university and getting the grades for your degree, but you’re probably living away from home for the first time as an independent adult, which means you’re now responsible for a lot more things. Fortunately, technology is on hand to help and there are some great apps to help you sail through student life. Here are 7 of our favourite apps we think will be useful while at uni…
Whether it’s lost, stolen or you spill a drink over it, there’s nothing worse than your computer or laptop being gone forever – especially when all of your work is saved on it! The last thing you want to be doing is re-writing assignments, that’s why it’s a good idea to save all of your documents, photos and work elsewhere as a backup for these unfortunate occasions. Dropbox allows you to store and access your files across all of your devices at any time.
Evernote is your one-stop shop when it comes to being organised as a student. If you’re in a lecture, capture all of your notes in one place. If you’ve got assignments and deadlines approaching, create a check list to ensure nothing is missed or forgotten. And if you’re working with others, effortlessly share your notes and ideas with one another.
If you’re a student living in London, then having CityMapper on your mobile is a must; it’s the ultimate transport app. No matter where you’re going, tap it in and CityMapper will let you know the public transport options available, routes, estimated times and even the price. If you fancy walking, it’ll even map out the quickest and driest routes too! For students outside of London, you can download other mapping apps such as Google Maps.
If you’re out and about being active, why not track your activity? See how far you’ve walked, ran, swam, cycled and much more all at a touch of a button. Connect with friends and other athletes, map out new routes and challenge yourself by striving to beat your personal bests. It’s a great way to stay active and competitive while at uni.
Living away from home, means you might be cooking meals for yourself regularly for the first time. Which means some recipes to refer back to might come in use. And on the BBC Good Food apps, you won’t be short of a recipe or two. With delicious dinners, tasty snacks and sweet treats to choose from, the question is, what to cook first?
For those nights you don’t fancy cooking or want a takeaway with your friends, have the Just Eat app at the ready and order your favourite meal in an instant. Whether it’s Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mexican or Lebanese (and the list goes on), find all available restaurants that deliver in your area and once you’ve ordered, you’ll be able to follow the progress of your order to see how far away your food is.
7. Banking Apps
Whether you bank with Halifax, HSBC, Lloyds or other high street banks, most banks provide an app so you can stay on top of your finances. The apps make it quick and easy to manage your bank accounts and money. You can check your balance before a night out so you know how much money you have available to spend, transfer money between accounts, pay your bills and even locate the nearest ATM to you, all from your mobile phone.