Complaints Procedure

Host is committed to dealing with any complaints received in a responsive and professional manner. Any person wishing to raise a complaint should follow the procedure below.

Stage One:

All complaints in the first instance should be directed to the Reception of your Host accommodation. This can be done in person or telephone. Our reception staff will wherever possible try to resolve the matter for you as quickly as possible.

If you are dissatisfied with the response you received you may then escalate your complaint to stage two.

Stage Two:

Your complaint must be in writing either by letter or email and directed to the Manager of the relevant Host accommodation. The Manager will investigate and respond to your complaint in writing within 10 working days giving the possible solutions available or further details on the issue.

If you are unhappy with the solutions or explanations given you may then chose to escalate your complaint to Stage three, this must be done in writing either by email or letter within 10 working days of the response you have received.

Stage Three:

Your complaint must be made in writing to the relevant Host accommodation. Our staff will pass your communication to a senior member of staff within Host who will investigate the issues you have raised. You must include reasons why you think that your complaint has not been treated fairly or resolved to your satisfaction.

You will receive a written response to your complaint within 10 working days.

Stage Four:

Host is a member of the Accreditation Network UK (ANUK). If after giving Host the opportunity to respond and resolve your complaint, and having followed the above procedure you are still not satisfied, you can ask for an independent decision from ANUK.

Please note that when responding to your complaint Host will never disclose details of action taken against an individual or individuals.