Our students have arrived and are settling into our accommodations across the UK and Ireland. So, we’re now launching the #HostEnvironmentalPledge campaign!
Sounds cool, right? But what exactly is it?
Well, basically, at Host we want to become more ‘environmentally friendly’. The main aim of this particular campaign is to save energy. We want to encourage responsible behaviour and drive sustainability across our sites throughout the UK and Ireland.
The good news is, the campaign itself is really simple! Through small actions our students and staff alike can help to reduce our overall utilities (electric, water and gas) consumption. Actions such as turning off lights when leaving a room, or unplugging chargers when not in use. And in return for saving energy, we will be donating money to charity.

Our donation to charity
If we can reduce our overall consumption by 1% then we will donate £10,000 to charity. If we make a 2% reduction we’ll donate £20,000, 3% is £30,000 and so on. We’ve chosen three great charities to support and donate this money to, which are: Student Minds, Just a Drop and LandAid. So, not only does the environment benefit from this campaign – with less greenhouse gas emissions being released into the air, but so do the three charities.

We recognise that switching things off isn’t the solution to climate change on its own. But we think saving energy is a good building block. The actions that we will encourage our students to adopt will also help to save them money on their bills if they move into private accommodation in the future. Not only that, but they will be helping to support these charitable causes through responsible living.
All we need is for our students to get on board with the campaign and decide which one of the three charities they will ‘pledge’ to make a change for when it’s launched at their site after they’ve moved in.
Get involved! Go green! It’s so easy to get stuck in.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for more information on the campaign, the charities we’ll be supporting and some top energy saving tips! Visit our website to find out more about Host and our student accommodation.