For many, going to university is the first time living away from home. You might feel a little sad having to pack up your belongings, wave goodbye to the home comforts you’re used to and move into a bare and empty student room.
But remember, it isn’t just a room. It is your home. And what might seem like a bare, empty room, is actually a blank canvas waiting for you to express yourself and make it your own!
Whether you like a crisp, clean and minimalistic look, or you prefer the bold colours that give a room the wow factor, this is the opportunity to kit out your room, just how you want it.
Where to shop
OK, so moving to university can be overwhelming. There’s so much to think about, prepare for and buy. But when it comes to kitting out your room to make it an even more comfortable and enjoyable place to rest and study, you don’t need a qualification in interior design, and nor do you have to break the bank.
Head to your local high street stores and you’ll be surprised at the choice of quality items you’ll find – and the price of them! Below are just a few stores we’ve tried and tested ourselves:
What to buy
From bedding and blankets to towels and trinkets, you’ll find everything you need to make your room feel like home. Don’t believe us? Need some inspiration? Take a look at the example items below; all of which we’ve purchased from the high street stores named above.
Dressing your student home
If you’re still not convinced or you can’t quite visualise how your student home could look, see below some real-life photos of our student rooms; all dressed and finished with affordable high street items. If browsing any of our locations on the website, you’ll notice all images feature affordable, high-street items.
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