Millions of people take part in Plastic Free July, a global movement that helps people become part of the solution for plastic pollution. As a result, there are cleaner streets, purer oceans, and beautiful communities.
Whether your aim is to completely cut plastic usage, or you simply want to have a better impact on the planet than you did yesterday, then Plastic-Free July is for you.
The challenge
Reducing your plastic waste as much as possible is the challenge. Although this sounds simple, it is quite tough considering the usage of plastic in the world we live in.
If you’re ready for the challenge, consider signing up for further information through their official website. You can start small or really challenge yourself. Plastic pollution is such a serious problem, that even small steps could lead to a massive change.
Tips and tricks
2.5 billion coffee cups are discarded in the UK every year. Seven million a day. With less than 1% being recyclable, most of these cups will spend 50 years in a landfill. 50 years just to carry your coffee for a few minutes. Get yourself an eco-friendly cup and help prevent this from happening.
Shock-horror, plastic bottles are also a major contributor to plastic pollution. But what’s worse is that the lids often end up in seabirds’ stomachs while the bottles get found on shore. Get yourself a reusable bottle like the Host ones provided at the start of your tenancy. You might even be in luck and your property will have some spares!
Reducing plastic at work
If you’re working alongside studying, you can still do your part and potentially even more. Conduct a garbage bin audit to see what ‘waste’ can be avoided through recycling or compost. For detailed information about setting up, check out the dedicated page from Plastic Free July.
Workplace kitchens are often full of temporary items such as single-use plastics. You might even be surprised at how they all add up. Changing these items to reusable alternatives is quick, easy, and still so impactful. Check out the Plastic Free July guide to find out the next steps.
By simply talking to your colleagues about plastic free July, you can broaden your impact. Your plastic free journey doesn’t have to be a solo adventure, get the people you work with involved.
Go that one step further and find out what policies your company have in preventing plastic waste.
Reducing plastic in student homes
You can get creative at home and swap out a lot of unnecessary plastic. Plastic free dental products are widely available, including everything from floss to toothbrushes and even toothpaste. Swap liquid soap with bars of soap to avoid single-use plastic.
When going for your weekly shop, be picky with what you choose. If you have the option, refuse groceries that have single-use plastics. The sheer volume of plastic in grocery stores will become apparent to you, and this is part of the plastic free journey. Bulk or loose items are a great way to get past this, as they help avoid any unnecessary plastic.
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