Improve and maintain your mental wellbeing

Improve and maintain your mental wellbeing

It’s the time of year where there’s lots going on; a break from university, catching up with family and friends, Christmas and not forgetting the New Year celebrations. But as you look towards a busy few weeks, it’s important to spend some time looking after your mental wellbeing. Read on for some alternative ways to “treat yo’ self” without blowing your student finance.


Now I know what you’re thinking; it’s far too cold to get out of bed 30 minutes earlier than you need to – especially to exercise. But the benefits of doing so, definitely outweigh staying in bed. Just 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity 5 days a week, not only meets the NHS recommendation and will help keep you fit and healthy, but you’ll see an immediate boost in your overall mood. Exercise is a great way to clear your head and relieve any stress you may have. And it doesn’t have to cost you a penny – if your accommodation has an on-site gym, use it, or go for a brisk walk around the city or university campus.

Digital Detox

We live in a digital world now where it can sometimes be nearly impossible to be away from any form of technology. But sometimes, the online world and social media might be the reason you start to think negatively, or become depressed. Having a digital detox each week can help. So, it’s time to ditch the phone and scrap social media. There’s so much more you can achieve with your time – things that will give you far more satisfaction than scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook feed. Experiment in the kitchen and cook something new, learn a new skill (without YouTube), read a book, start to write a novel, be creative, draw something, make something, join a club… the options really are endless.


It might sound easy to just sleep, but we’re not on about a quick nap during your lectures; a good quality night’s sleep is what we mean. Interrupted and sporadic bursts of sleep can leave you feeling groggy and miserable. But sticking to a routine can be a simple fix to getting a better night’s sleep. Try going to bed at the same time, and waking up at the same time and you’ll likely see a dramatic improvement in how you feel and it will reduce the jet-lag type symptoms. Ensuring you have the right pillows to keep your back and neck in line, can help with reducing aches and pains and keep you asleep for longer.

Stop Procrastinating

Procrastinating; we all do it, some more than others, and some with some very important tasks. However, it can actually be damaging to our mental health. By putting off tasks – no matter how we feel about them, can make us think about those tasks in a negative way before we have even begun tackling them. The longer you leave them, the harder they will seem and the more frustrated and stressed you’ll feel about them. By all means take breaks, but bite the bullet and start that difficult task sooner rather than later – it will be much more beneficial in the long-run. Imagine the feeling once you have finished it!


At this time of year, it can be easy to forget about yourself; you’re worrying about what presents to buy and for who, busy visiting friends and family, squeezing in those last few deadlines before the Christmas break and thinking about the upcoming exams when you return in January. Taking time out for yourself is a really good way of balancing life, and keeping anxiety at bay. Doing things by yourself can help you remember what you really enjoy and what makes your soul happy. Remember “Self-care isn’t selfish”.


If you’re sat at your desk finishing off the last assignments before the holidays, it’s important that you’re sat correctly. Research has found that your posture can have a drastic effect on the way you feel. Ladies, ever noticed that you feel better walking in heels? The heels almost force you to stand up tall and walk differently, and thus you feel better. It’s the same when you sit down; if your shoulders are back and your back is straight, you’re more likely to breathe better, and in turn feel better. The upright posture can also help reduce fatigue and increase speech – that’s why it’s common to present standing up.

The factors above can all help to improve and maintain your mental wellbeing, but everyone will experience different things throughout their life time, and if you are feel stressed, depressed or anxious, it’s always recommended that you ask for help. Simply picking up the phone or sitting down and speaking to someone about how you’re feeling, can make you feel a whole lot better about things. There are many people who can help such as Student Minds – the UK’s student mental health charity.

Learn more about how we at Host look after the wellbeing of our students.

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