What is exam stress?
Stress is a normal part of life. Being able to recognise exam stress and how best to respond to it will be essential to your overall mental health and wellbeing. Some signs that you are experiencing stress include changes in mood, difficulties sleeping and low energy. These things can impact your studies. It’s important to be aware of how to manage this as soon as possible to avoid any academic issues.
Do you feel like you’re not ready and prepared for exams? Are you receiving pressure from parents and teachers? Read our tips on how to manage exam stress.
How to deal with stress.
Should I make a study plan?
Put yourself in control and make a planner for studying. getrivising.co.uk can help you study for your exams by creating a unique revision timetable.
How long should I study for?
It’s important to be able to study in short bursts of 1-2 hours. Remember make sure you take 5 min breaks every half hour. This will enable you to focus better and remember more of what you revised and you’ll be less likely to procrastinate.
Does exercising help exam stress?

Regular exercise has many positive health benefits for our physical and mental fitness. Having an established routine in place will allow you to be more alert and improve concentration. Your body also releases endorphins that can increase your positive mood and reduce pain and discomfort. Spend time learning the correct way to do breathing exercises and meditation, the calming effects are often immediate.
Does sleep help stress?
Having a regular sleep schedule is important for you to establish a solid routine for university life. But can also to aid with your health. try to get between seven to nine hours of sleep a night to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
Staying positive.

Sometimes it’s really just as simple as mind over matter. We can’t control everything that happens to us in our lives. But we can choose how we deal with those situations. Think with a positive attitude and smiling. Even if you must fake feeling that way in the beginning, it will help you learn how to think with a more positive mindset.
Help is out there for exam stress.
Remember that you won’t be the only one who is feeling stressed about the pressure of exams. You are not alone. Help is at your fingertips. Have a look at who can help:
April is Stress Awareness Month – held every April since 1992 the month tries to increase public awareness about the causes and cures of stress.
Read more of our tips to help you through stress at university here.