What is stress awareness?
November 7th – 11th is International Stress Awareness Week. Stress is the bodies’ natural reaction to situations of threat or pressure felt by an individual. Stress can be as fleeting as a moment during an off day, or more long term.
It can be a normal part of life. Being able to recognise stress and how best to respond to it will be essential to your overall mental health and wellbeing. Some signs that you are experiencing stress include changes in mood, difficulties sleeping and low energy. These things can impact your studies. It’s important to be aware of how to manage this as soon as possible to avoid any academic issues.
Mental and emotional stress can start to have an impact on your physical health too but being able to identify why and when this is affecting you will be key to combating stress. Stress effects students especially those who have just started studying as they adjust to a different lifestyle, often far away from their usual support system.
How to deal with stress.
Stress isn’t something you can take medication for when it flares up. Instead, what you should focus on is finding strong coping skills, fixing or changing the situations that you are finding stressful and speaking about your experiences.
An important part of overcoming stressful situations is recognising that they are common for other people, and that you will find something that works for you.
Regular exercise has many positive health benefits for our physical and mental fitness. Having an established routine in place will allow you to be more alert and improve concentration. Your body also releases endorphins that can increase your positive mood and reduce pain and discomfort.
Spend time learning the correct way to do breathing exercises and meditation, the calming effects are often immediate.
Staying positive.
Sometimes it’s really just as simple as mind over matter. We can’t control everything that happens to us in our lives. But we can choose how we deal with those situations. Think with a positive attitude and smiling. Even if you must fake feeling that way in the beginning, it will help you learn how to think with a more positive mindset.
Having a regular sleep schedule is important for you to establish a solid routine for university life. But can also to aid with your health. The benefits of getting a good night sleep can be read about in our Morning Motivation blog.
Mental Health.org have more information about how to manage and reduce stress which includes helpful organisations that you can contact if you need help. Learn more about ISAW here.